
What this is

The pattern inside

This app provides an implementation of a simple pattern to make dynamic forms:

You can use client side, server side, or both, in which case server side controls the client side (write only python).

On the client side, it will attach to input events on the form to execute actions by calling Action.execute(form) which will:

On the server side, it will call Condition.validate(form) before validation which will:


Consider such a Linux shop which offers support and format of computers with Linux, and only Format for computers with Windows, they make a beautiful Web 2.0 form:

Platform: [ ] Linux [ ] Windows
Service: [ ] Support [ ] Format

The form should look either like this:

Platform: [ ] Linux [X] Windows
Service: [ ] Format

Or that:

Platform: [X] Linux [ ] Windows
Service: [ ] Support [ ] Format

But, God forbids, a user shouldn’t ever be able to select both “Windows” and “Support”, we don’t want this to happen or kittens will die:

Platform: [ ] Linux [X] Windows
Service: [X] Support [ ] Format

We want to ensure this behaves properly during initial rendering, validation, rerendering, and of course live in the browser.

For this, we define an Action RemoveChoices('service', ['support']) with a Condition ValueIs('platform', 'windows').

Getting started

NPM users

If you are going to use Django: skip this section.

If you are an NPM user and are not going to use Django:

npm install facond

Then, import the lib and bind some action on a form:

import * as facond from 'facond'

let form = new facond.Form(
    document.querySelector('#your-form'),  # form HTMLElement
    new facond.RemoveChoices(
        [new facond.ValueIs('platform', 'windows')],


Django users

If you are a Django user, then you don’t have to deal with NPM or anything in JS:

pip install facond

Then all you need to do is use the facond.Form with facond_actions for list of Action in Python, and JS will be taken care of automagically as long as you render {{ form.media }} - it has no dependency to jquery or anything else, which means it works out of the box in the admin, even after Django 2.0:

from facond import shortcuts as facond
from django import forms class TestForm(facond.Form, forms.Form):
    platform = PlatformChoiceField()
    service = ServiceChoiceField()

    facond = [
            [facond.ValueIs('platform', 'Windows')],

This should just work.

Important R&D ? Wasted human resource ?

Awesome ? Outrageous ?

Confusion ? Hard feelings ?

Let me know what you think !